Workshops, Retraites, Intensives 

Part 4 Libido Intimacy&Desire

Open Floor 4-day Residential Retreat

Increase your ability to balance well between your urge to be an autonomous being and your urge for relationship with others. 

This retreat is an invitation to dance, move, embody and practicing the skills needed to become a solid individual as well to create meaningful relationships in all kind of forms. Supported by the wisdom of the crucible four points of balance and differentiation as well as of the attachement theory. 
During these 4-days there is also plenty of time to relax and thrive in the benevolence of continuous dancing, moving, experiencing and relaxing in being together in a closed group, at  a beautiful venue in the middle of nature with an atmosphere of lightness, space and tranquility.

(This workshop will be taught in English in the first instance, with translation into Dutch if needed. Please scroll down for the Dutch version)

One of the most important things in our human existence is becoming a solid individual. And another important thing is to have meaningful relationships. Relationships in all forms. Two of the most powerful human drives are our urge to control our own lives (autonomy), and our urge for relationship with others (attachment). Our greatest challenge as adults is our ability to balance these two forces. And one of the most common problems is having too much of one, and not enough of the other. Through dance practice we constantly practice the skills required for this.
* to keep a sense of self in proximity with another,
* reassure yourself and regulate your own emotions, 
* not to separate but differentiate, to remain connected despite emerging reactivity,
* to endure meaningful discomfort so that growth can take place.  
Dancing and working with sexual lifeforce energy is also about building 'adult' relationships and about being more in harmony with life. When we can allow and expand this experience of connection (intimacy), we feel more embodied and creative. Our relationships will improve, become sincere, authentic and we begin to experience more pleasure in them.

Through Open Floor Embodied Dance - combined with other practices and specific psychological information as attachment theory and neuroscience - we create a safe, positive environment to engage in this complex, mysterious and in-depth investigation with curiosity, mindfulness and compassion. We seek to understand how sexuality is shaped by culture, narratives, and social conditioning, and we explore ways to liberate ourselves as we move towards erotic wholeness. Because sexuality is so often underground, ignored, or unconsciously acted out, both in life and on the dance floor, consciously exploring this theme can be intense, liberating, intimate and powerful. The potential pleasure and beauty of this journey is well worth the challenges and the risks.

* We explore this lively, sometimes hidden energy of libido with curiosity and mindfulness using the Open Floor Core Movement Resources.
* We open up physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual terrain of sexuality, libido, lifeforce and other related themes. 
* We combine group proces, specific explorations and information through embodied dance and movement exercises, to help discover and unblock the beauty and power of your sexual life force. 
* We use other practices as 'Wheel of Consent', the practice of 'awareness and inquiry', breathwork and more, to deepen and integrate your experience.
* There is no explicit sexual content or exercises.

Libido programs are open to all adults regardless of gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, or relationship status. We strive to co-create an environment that is inclusive, curious and expansive, and honors the experiences each person brings into the room.
For participation you need some experience with dance forms such as OpenFloor, 5Rhythms, MovementMedicine, Biodanza or similar, to deepen your experience. 
OpenFloor Libido programs count as a pre-requisite for the Open Floor Teacher Training.

Embodied Sexuality programs are for those who:
* are looking to cultivate erotic intelligence and expand their capacity to love life.
* are interested in an embodied and healthy exploration of their sexuality.
* want to unpack the multilayered dynamics of attraction and attachment, as well as the cultural and social conditioning that inform our personal and collective stories, both past and present.
* want to intentionally connect through movement with the source of their desires to experience greater fulfillment and satisfaction in relationships of all kinds.
* want to harness the energy of libido for creative pursuits.

Click on above link for more information and reviews in Dutch which can be translated in your language. Including a juicy inspiring 11 minutes Vimeo movie.

Click on above link for more information. 

is an accredited 5Rhythms®, OpenFloor and Libido teacher and teaches dance and movement as a conscious practice in the Netherlands and abroad for over more than 20 years. The last 15 years she specialized herself in Embodied & Conscious Sexuality through a variety of studies.
Monika is trained by Gabrielle Roth to teach 5Rhythms, trained by Andrea Juhan (co-founder of OpenFloor) to teach Libido Fundamentals and trained by Betty Martin in the Wheel of Consent.  Since 2018 she is a working member of Open Floor International and involved as mentor, supervisor, teacher and co-creator of international educational training programs. Monika loves to create a non-judgmental, open space where dancers can show up again and again, feeling welcomed to move with whatever is present. As well to create a safe, creative, loving, playful environment to enter into an in-depth enquiry with compassion and curiosity.

* Natacha Senders - Organizer, producer & assistent
* Hester Hudig - OpenFloor teacher, Therapy in Motion practioner, Therapist (psychosynthese), Ecstatic DJ
* more to be announced

With thanks to David Schnarrch (relationship-, sex-, trauma-therapist and known for differentiation-based psychotherapy) + Andrea Juhah, founder Libido Fundamentals & co-founder OpenFloor. As well as to my colleagues of the  Embodied Sexuality Circle of OpenFloor International; for their wisdom, written texts, experiences and what I have learned from them, directly and indirectly. 

"We long for love, the essential nutrient that our cells crave, true positivity, charged connection with other living beings.
The more we experience it, the more we open up and grow, become wise and more attuned,
more resilient and effective, happier and healthier, grow spirituality, interconnectedness"
- Barbara Fredrickson - 

DATES & TIMES Part 4 Libido - Intimacy & Desire 
November 6 – 9, 2025 
Thursday 10 am till Sunday 5pm  

INVESTMENT & Other practical information
Please click here and then scrol down. 
This 4-day retreat is the third of four modules of a year long journey.
You can also attend this module separately. 

For content information please contact Monika Körschner, teacher, via 06-12602244 or via  
For registration please contact  Natacha Senders (, organizer, via 06 51818291 or  

Herberg De Dieken
Helhuizerweg 1
7451 KE Holten



Datum publicatie: 22 september 2024

Part 4 Libido Intimacy&Desire