Workshops, Retraites, Intensives 

Modules Libido Love of Life Ongoing Group 2025


“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find
all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it" - Rumi -

We experience our creative sexual lifeforce energy as complicated one moment, ecstatic the next; absent or burdened with expectations from past experiences. During 'Libido Fundamentals' we inquire how and who we are. Whether our conditioning, gender, culture, social customs, dreams, memories, families, are a support or an obstacle to move with our natural sexual life force and to connect ourselves in truth with others and life. We learn to differentiate between what we actually feel and the story we tell ourselves, between the past and the present moment, between your experience and that of someone else, between intention and impact.
We integrate the practice of awareness and questioning. This is the process of discovering something unknown to consciousness up to now, in order to gain deeper insight and understanding into your own essence. The inquiry process always begins with your present moment experience. It can start with a question or simply be an open-ended inquiry into your current experience.
(Resource: Andrea Juhan, founder Libido Fundamentals & co-founder OpenFloor + R. Brumet, Practice of Awareness and Inquiry)


'Pleasure Heals -
Pleasure is a gateway to emotional and spiritual fluency.
It makes us aware of things we were not aware of before, alters our blood chemistry,
enhances brain function and opens new possibilities in all areas of life.
The gift of loving touch heals body, heart and soul
by bringing us a taste of love, both divine and personal.' 
-  Betty Martin -

Through dance, movement practice and the 'Wheel of Consent' you practice sensing in your body again. What feels nice and good, and what doesn't, what you want and don't want. How does your body tell you what your needs are, your desires, where your limits are and what you are and are not willing to give. You learn to notice which signals your body gives, to trust and appreciate those signals and to communicate them to others in complete openness. 
We distinguish between the 'doing' aspect and the 'gift' aspect. Who does? For who is it? But in essence it goes further than this and you are invited to make new choices throughout your life based on self-determination.
(Resource: Betty Martin, founder Wheel of Consent)


"Although often sex gets stuck in one rhythm, sometimes we ride the whole wave.
Sensuous and slow, gentle and tender your energies flow together.
As it heats up, your passion ignites into a pulsing staccato beat.
As you lose control, moving beyond all thinking and fears, you surrender to the orgasmic rhythm of chaos.
And then there’s the luscious lingering of the altered lyrical state
before we settle into the afterglow, the bliss of stillness.”
- Gabrielle Roth - 

From the first cells that evolve us into being, to the deep surrender of our last exhale, a lifespan is infused with libido. We will dance and work with this natural intelligence and potential life force, which is sometimes latent, sometimes ecstatically present. Sometimes wild, full of life, overwhelming, sometimes receptive, mysterious, sometimes longing, passionate. 
We can access this vital energy of eros in a multitude of ways. When this energy is acknowledged, supported and expressed authentically - both in relationship with ourselves and with others, with life itself - the potential for healing is immense and empowering. 
During this module we focus on liberating our life energy in our body through dance, movement and breathwork. We then release our life energy in our mind and emotional body, our heart, by lovingly welcoming it and expressing it in dance. We dance with ourselves. Learning to sense and follow your unique self. We dance together. Every encounter on this journey is a mirror of our own heart, its emptiness and fullness, its pride and shame, its problems and joys, its wisdom and innocence, its desires and generosity. We dance with life itself, with the realization of being part of a social field and a larger whole.
(Resource: Jack Lee Rosenberg, founder Integrative Body Psychotherapie + Andrea Juhah, founder Libido Fundamentals & co-founder Open Floor)


"We long for love, the essential nutrient that our cells crave, true positivity, charged connection with other living beings.
The more we experience it, the more we open up and grow, become wise and more attuned,
more resilient and effective, happier and healthier, grow spirituality, interconnectedness"
- Barbara Fredrickson -

One of the most important things in our human existence is becoming a solid individual. And another important thing is to have meaningful relationships. Relationships in all forms. Two of the most powerful human drives are our urge to control our own lives (autonomy), and our urge for relationship with others (attachment). Our greatest challenge as adults is our ability to balance these two forces. And one of the most common problems is having too much of one, and not enough of the other. Through dance practice we constantly practice the skills required for this.
* to keep a sense of self in proximity with another,
* reassure yourself and regulate your own emotions, 
* not to separate but differentiate, to remain connected despite emerging reactivity,
* to endure meaningful discomfort so that growth can take place.  
Dancing and working with sexual lifeforce energy is also about building 'adult' relationships and about being more in harmony with life. When we can allow and expand this experience of connection (intimacy), we feel more embodied and creative. Our relationships will improve, become sincere, authentic and we begin to experience more pleasure in them.
(Resource: David Schnarrch/relatie-, seks-, traumatherapeut en bekend van de differentiatie gebaseerde psychotherapie) 


Datum publicatie: 22 november 2022

Modules Libido Love of Life Ongoing Group 2025